In mathematics, Schreier's lemma is a theorem in group theory used in the Schreier–Sims algorithm and also for finding a presentation of a subgroup.
is a subgroup of
, which is finitely generated with generating set
, that is,
be a right transversal of
. In other words,
is (the image of) a section of the quotient map
, where
denotes the set of right cosets of
The definition is made given that
is the chosen representative in the transversal
of the coset
, that is,

is generated by the set

Hence, in particular, Schreier's lemma implies that every subgroup of finite index of a finitely generated group is again finitely generated.
The group Z3 = Z/3Z is cyclic. Via Cayley's theorem, Z3 is a subgroup of the symmetric group S3. Now,

is the identity permutation. Note S3 =
{ s1=(1 2), s2 = (1 2 3) }
Z3 has just two cosets, Z3 and S3 \ Z3, so we select the transversal { t1 = e, t2=(1 2) }, and we have


Thus, by Schreier's subgroup lemma, { e, (1 2 3) } generates Z3, but having the identity in the generating set is redundant, so it can be removed to obtain another generating set for Z3, { (1 2 3) } (as expected).
- Seress, A. Permutation Group Algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 2002.